The 3rd Table Tennis&Billiards Competition Get Success

The 3rd Table Tennis&Billiards Competition Get Success


Fiber Optic Plate

From May 21 to June 4, 2024, our company held a grand third table tennis and billiards competition at the company club. This two-week competitive event attracted numerous employees from various departments of the company to actively participate, with a total of 222 people participating in it, jointly performing exciting and thrilling matches.

This competition has a diverse range of events, covering table tennis for men's singles, women's singles, men's doubles, women's doubles, as well as billiards for men's and women's teams. In the intense competition, the contestants demonstrated excellent competitive spirit and superb sports skills, making the entire competition process full of tension, excitement, and passionate atmosphere.

At the competition site, the white balls on the table of table tennis flew back and forth like lightning, and the players moved their steps flexibly and agilely, with focused eyes fixed on the path of each ball. Accompanied by precise dunks and clever defense, the audience applauded and cheered one after another, adding a strong and enthusiastic atmosphere to the game scene. In singles competitions, players constantly challenge themselves and surpass their limits with excellent skills and tenacious fighting spirit; In doubles matches, the tacit cooperation between teammates and the use of surprising tactics are even more admirable; In the billiards competition, the players from both the men's and women's teams showed superb playing skills and a steady mentality, and their outstanding performance won applause from the audience.

After intense and intense competition, 16 players ultimately ranked in the top three. These outstanding players have won widespread recognition and praise for their outstanding technical skills, stable competitive mentality, and outstanding performance in the competition.

The successful hosting of this competition not only provides employees with a high-quality platform to showcase themselves and exchange skills, but also further enhances friendship and cooperation among departments, enriching the cultural life of employees. With the strong support of the company and the joint efforts of all participants and staff, the third table tennis and billiards competition has achieved a complete success.

Looking forward to the future, we look forward to the next competition continuing to inherit and carry forward the excellent traditions of this competition, attracting more employees to actively participate, and jointly writing more exciting stories. I believe that with the joint efforts of everyone, our table tennis and billiards competitions will continue to reach new heights and contribute more to the construction of our company culture.

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